Definitions and notation

Sequence - a set of numbers in a certain order, e.g. 12, 14, 18, 116...

Term - each of the numbers above (e.g. 14) are a term of a sequence.

If a sequence is algebraic, each position can be denoted by a subscript, e.g. a1, a2, a3, .... ak.

Series - The result of all the terms of a sequence added together.

Summation - The process of adding all the terms together (indicated by ∑).

Limits - the first and last terms.

So a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 can be written as k=5k=1 ak or 5k=1 ak or even more simpler 51 ak.

If you're finding the summation, it can be written as ∑ k ak or even just ∑ak.

Infinite Sequences - have an infinite number of terms.

Infinite Series - the summation of the infinite sequence.

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